How to Effectively Reduce Expenses while Renting

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Renting a property is already a cash drainer. What more if you add electricity and water bill, phone bill, your cable and internet monthly due, transportation, and food? Do you really think you can survive all these with your average salary? While rental properties in Dallas may not be too expensive, the cost of living can dramatically add to your expenses.

Here are some ways on how to effectively reduce expenses while renting.

1.       Calculate your monthly income. Know exactly how much money you take home on a monthly basis. What you have in mind may not be the amount you actually have.

2.       Calculate your expenses. From food, entertainment, clothing, bills, insurance, and others. This way, you will know what things you have more expense and what you must prioritize.

3.       Make sure that your expenses are lower than your income and not the other way around. If you spend more than what you have in hand, then you are living beyond your means and you’re in trouble. But if you spend less than what you have, you can save some money for your future use or for other things like your little luxuries.

4.       Opt for savings. Leftover money shouldn’t be all spent. Try to save it for a longer rainy day. Budget money for emergency.

5.       Find ways to trim your expenses. If you are really determined, you can actually find ways to trim your budget. Like clipping a discount coupon from newspapers and magazines, or making your long-distance call when the rates are low.

6.       Piggy bank is help. Put those coins that you have in your piggy bank. Make it a habit and you will notice after a few days, it is heavy with coins and imagine how much money is there.

7.       Live simply. Simple lifestyle is the answer to all of these. If you keep your wants and needs simple and within your reach, then you have not only learned the art of smart budgeting but the art of smart living.

Renting is not at all bad for your financial condition. You can actually save up while renting in order to purchase your own house someday. 

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This content is stolen by Crest Media Inc. for Local Dwelling.

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